intelliFLEX Expands West Coast Membership to 11 with Movit and Menrva


Alliance continues to expand its membership in wearables, robotics and smart textiles.

The intelliFLEX Innovation Alliance continues to expand its membership in wearables, robotics and smart textiles with innovative startups and academic research teams.
intelliFLEX has members across the spectrum for printable, flexible and hybrid (FHE) electronics on the west coast, including University of British Columbia, Tangio Printed Electronics and CuePath Innovation, to name a few.
intelliFLEX expanded the regional group with these new members:
• The Menrva Research Group at Simon Fraser University is an international and multicultural research group led by professor Carlo Menon, Tier 1 Canada research chair and MSFHR scholar, that focuses on smart materials (artificial muscles, polymer-based micro/nano sensors), biomedical wearable technology and biorobotics (soft robotics, exoskeletons, human-machine interfaces).
Movit can make everything you wear smart. This Vancouver company has developed an intelligent thread that will allow you to track every activity of your body. The thread can be seamlessly integrated into any piece of clothing and provide advanced analytics without the need to wear any device but your clothes.
“There is wealth of exciting research and new product development taking place on the west coast that promises to put Canada on the map for FHE technologies,” said Peter Kallai, president and CEO of intelliFLEX. “We look forward to working with Menrva, Movit and all the great organizations that have joined us in British Columbia.”